Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Ages Birth-2 Early Childhood Special Education
- Rita Southerton - ECSE Teacher 218-237-6547
- Logen Amundsen - Occupational Therapist 218-237-6548
- Allie Steffen - Speech Language Pathologist 218-237-6551
Ages 3-5 Early Childhood Special Education
- Carolyn Melchert - ECSE Teacher 218-237-6585
- Addy Upton - ECSE Teacher 218-237-6583
- Allie Steffen - Speech Pathologist 218-237-6551
- Logen Amundsen - Occupational Therapist 218-237-6548
- Kristina Lindgren - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant 218-238-6345
- Kim Konerza - Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 218-237-6545
- Synneve Moe - School Psychologist 218-237-6268
- Shalom Grandy - Physical & Health Impaired 218-237-6543
- Hanna Rodenbaugh - Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialist 218-237-6542
- Carrie Wittenberg - Blind Visually Impaired Specialist 218-237-6246