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Help my child

Children and adults are experiencing mental health challenges, and we are here to help.  If your child is experiencing social, emotional, or behavior issues, here are some resources that can help.  

Mental Health Support


Fear and anxiety about current issues and the world around us can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Social distancing can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. 

Park Rapids Schools Mental Health Support

School Social Worker

Elementary Behavior Interventionist

Middle School Behavior Interventionist

School Children's Therapeutic Support Services (CTSS)
High School
Jaunita Marth  (218)237-6415 or (218)255-6415
Middle School
-- (218)237-6332
Elementary School
Joanna Wallenberg (218) 368-7476

Get immediate help in a crisis

Suicide Prevention Lifeline
In Crisis



Academic Support

Who to contact? 
1. Your child's classroom teacher (contact info under TEACHER tab in each building) Your child's teacher should be able to provide suggestions for additional resources and services that can help your child academically.
2. Coordinators of Educational Services (CES) from each building

Century Elementary
Coordinator of Educational Services
Century Middle School
Coordinator of Educational Services
Coordinator of Educational Services
High School Counselor 
PRAVA: Park Rapids Area Virtual Academy
Jill Stevenson
bored girl
For additional resources and links to support your child's learning, visit our Parent Help page:


Behavior Support

book on head
These are the types of behaviors that frustrate us as parents and educators. How do we deal with the child who is uncooperative, sullen, or difficult to be around. These resources may help you in parenting your child at home - whether students are in school or distance learning.

Get your dance on! Check out the Brain Breaks at GoNoodle! 

Try these Fitness Warm-up exercises at The Kids Coach on YouTube

Get outside! Check out this list of 50 fun things to try outdoors!

Covid/Learning Resources

Latest News
Covid Resources
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