Activities & Athletics
Every student is encouraged to become involved in some activity in addition to his/her academic courses. The extra-curricular program of the Park Rapids Area High School forms a very useful and important part of the school's total curriculum. By voluntary participation, the student is able to develop skills, interests, and abilities which they may not develop in the classroom. Extra-curricular activities are those activities held under the supervision of the school outside of regular school hours. Participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege. Students participating in these activities will conduct themselves in accordance with the Minnesota State High School League rules regarding academic eligibility. For additional information about the extra-curricular program, contact the activities director, Jeremy Nordick (218-237-6550).
Jeremy Nordick, Activities Director
- 218-237-6550
Dotti Seifert, Activities Secretary
- 218-237-6400
Tune: Caisson Song
Zis Boom Bah – Ki Yi Yah
Rah Rah Rah for PR High
as Park Rapids goes zipping along.
Pile the score on the stack
For the Orange and the Black
As Park Rapids goes zipping along.
For it’s Ki Yi Ye on to victory
shout out you boosters loud and strong.
For where e’er you go you will always know
That Park Rapids goes zipping along
That Park Rapids goes zipping along!
Tune: Michigan Fight Song
Go PR win this game tonight;
Panthers, we will really fight;
‘Til the final victory will be ours!
We are the team that is the best;
We are better than the rest,
So, let’s prove our strength and go, fight win tonight!