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Happy Halloween!
Homecoming Parade
6th Grade Band
6th Grade Band

News & Announcements

Park Rapids Combined Annual Band Concert

The High School Band will be participating in a combined concert with the Middle School Bands on Jan. 27th at Century. The concert is 7pm that evening and will be a great opportunity to turn out and support the bands!

Century Middle School January Students of the Month: Gretchen Hillesland, Maci Trumble and Ryker Simpson

Gretchen Hillesland-6th grade

Daughter of Alicia & Eric Hillesland

Maci Trumble-7th grade   

Daughter of Rachel Peet

Ryker Simpson-7th grade

Son of Ashley & Tyler Simpson

Century Middle School December Student of the Month: Kenzie Strasburg

Kenzie Strasburg-8th grade

Daughter of Ryan & Tara Strasburg

Century Middle School December Student of the Month: Wesley Eischens

Wesley Eischens-8th grade

Son of Beth & James Eischens

Century Middle School December Student of the Month: Averie Eberhart

Averie Eberhart-5th grade

Daughter of Clay & Rachel Eberhart

Century Middle School November Student of the Month: Eli Jalbert

Eli Jalbert-8th grade

Son of Lee Ann and Jason Jalbert

Upcoming Events


Park Rapids Area Schools is fortunate to have hundreds of volunteers share their time each year with the students in our district. The Park Rapids district thanks you for offering to share your time, knowledge and abilities with our students.

Find Out More about Volunteer

The Park Rapids Education & Activities Foundation was established in 2000, and throughout the last 14 years, the Foundation has allocated over $425,000 to the educational, fine arts, and athletic programs in the Park Rapids Area Schools.  Decisions are made by a Board of Directors, (a group of volunteer community leaders with a strong commitment to educational excellence).  Allocation priorities include:  art, music, and drama activities; educational and academic activities and equipment; and athletic programs.  Grant requests are considered by members of the Allocation Committee within a defined set of guidelines on a case-by-case basis.

Find Out More about PREAF
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus

Keeping our Park Rapids Panther alumni connected to our school is important to us! Visit the Panther Reunion Website here: At this site you can reconnect with old friends, stay in touch with your favorite teachers, and see what's happening in the Park Rapids Area.

Visit the reunion website for news and announcements: 

Find Out More about Alumni